Associated Journals & Awards
Best paper awards will be given to competitive papers upon the recommendation of Editors. Outstanding papers may be considered for publication in journals: Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science [Print ISSN: 2163-9159 Online ISSN: 2163-9167], Journal of International Business and Economy [ISBN 1527-8603], or Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions [Online ISSN: 2282-717X].
Selected papers from IBEC China 2014 and IBEC Germany 2016 were published in the Journal of International Business and Economy (JIBE), ISSN 1527-8603. This journal is published at San Francisco State University and whitelisted in Cabell’s. Selected award papers from IBEC Bangkok 2015 were published in Contaduría y Administración (C&A), ISSN 0186-1042. C&A is a Scopus journal published by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Selected marketing papers from 2018 appear in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science [Print ISSN: 2163-9159 Online ISSN: 2163-9167].